"Supported Living" refers to a type of housing and support arrangement designed to assist individuals with disabilities or additional needs to live independently in their own homes. The concept of Supported Living aims to promote the autonomy, choice, and inclusion of the supported people by providing the necessary support and accommodations to help them lead fulfilling lives.

In Supported Living, individuals have their own self-contained accommodation, such as a flat or apartment, where they have control over their living space. They are encouraged to exercise independence and make decisions regarding their daily routines, household responsibilities, and personal life choices.

The level of support provided in Supported Living can vary based on an individual's specific needs and preferences.
Our support staff or caregivers will be available to offer assistance with various aspects of daily living, such as personal care, household chores, budgeting, and managing medications.

The emphasis is on promoting independence and empowering individuals to take control of their lives.

Medium Needs
Low Needs
High Needs

You have the option to live independently in your own apartment with as much or as little assistance as you require. This could be in one of our existing properties, or we can work with you and our housing partners to locate a suitable property.

You could reside in a smaller setting of shared housing with two to four bedrooms and receive support as needed. This may range from 4 to 12 hours per day, and there is no staff on-site overnight. This would be a structured service that would prepare you for independence. You will have access to a manager on call for support when staff is not present.

You could reside in a smaller setting of shared housing with two to four bedrooms and receive support as needed. This is usually for 24 hrs and there must always be a staff on site.